Indexing techniques: what to do to make your website appear on Google

Indexing techniques: what to do to make your website appear on Google

Writed by:
Elcio Ferreira
Elcio Ferreira

An important part of optimizing websites for search engines visibility is on indexing techniques. In simpler terms, this can help your website appear among the first when someone searches for a term related to your business or service. To find out how Google indexing works, just keep reading. Let ‘s go?

What is indexing and how does it help your website?

Indexing is the process of adding your website to the database of a search engine like Google. The word comes from index, in which a robot that processes and reads all web pages adds the pages of your website to a list.

This robot must understand the content of each page to know what is relevant. 

In practice, this is what happens: when people search for keywords related to your website, it will appear on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) if it is optimized for search engines.

Applying indexing techniques is an important strategy to help you reach more potential customers and improve your website’s visibility and organic traffic.

This work involves two fronts: the first is strategy and content production. This requires a content specialist to select the keywords to place on your website to attract the right audience. The second front is technology. Without technology, all your content work could be for nothing!

If you’re wondering what we mean by that, we at Visie will explain it to you point by point.

Types of indexing

There are three main types of indexing: site-wide, page-level, and direct linking.

Site-wide indexing is the process of adding all or most of a website’s content to a search engine’s database. This is usually done by submitting a sitemap or using a web crawler.

Page-level indexing adds specific pages to the search engine database as they are found.

Direct link indexing adds individual pages that are not linked to the home page or any other page on the website.

Indexing Techniques: Which are the Most Common?

When it comes to indexing your website, there are a few different methods you can use – and they’re super helpful if you’re interested in how Google indexing works:

1. Manual submission

This is the process of manually submitting your website information to a search engine. You can manually submit your website’s URL, title, description, and keywords. 

This is one of the most time-consuming indexing techniques, but it is also the most effective way to ensure that your website is indexed.

You can also submit your Sitemap manually. A sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the URLs on your website. You can submit your Sitemap to Google so that they can crawl and index your website more quickly.

2. Automatic submission

There are several tools that allow you to automatically submit your website information to search engines. These tools generally require you to enter your website’s URL and some basic information about it.

For example, Google Webmaster Tools can be used to submit your website to search engines and track backlinks and other important information.

3. RSS Feeds

You can also submit your website’s RSS feed to search engines. This will ensure that all your new content is indexed quickly.

Spiders and crawlers: What role do they play in indexing?

There are many different ways to ensure that your website is crawled by spiders and crawlers, also known as web crawlers.

The first step is to ensure your website is formatted correctly and accordingly with indexing techniques. This means including the correct meta tags, titles and descriptions. The next step is to create quality content that encourages visitors to stay on your website.

Another simple and effective way to get your website crawled is by including internal links on your pages. These links connect one page on your website to another page on your website. Internal links aid spiders and crawlers navigate your website, which can lead to better indexing.

And of course, use the right keywords to be found by the right people: potential customers.

How do I index my website and get results?

Until this point,  you’ve seen that for your website to appear on Internet search engines, there are some indexing techniques that will optimize its performance and the way it is read by the robot. 

All of this needs to be done in a way that combines strategy, content production and technology working hand in hand! Without this, all the effort put into content production could be in vain. Do you know why?

Choosing topics and defining keywords, as well as producing content, are activities that constitute specialized work, which is essential if indexing is to be successful. Ideally, you should rely on a specialist in this area or become one.. Without this guidance, any content produced won’t reach those who need it to be, will attract few people, or will even reach the wrong audience looking for the wrong things.

There are some challenges when it comes to website indexing that you need to be aware of:

Ensuring that the robot finds your pages

In order to index and rank pages, Google relies on a complex and extensive crawling mechanism of all pages on the web, a job that is almost impossible for a human to do – this is exactly what robots do.

Your pages need to “talk” to these robots in a certain language so that Google understands that your website is relevant and worth indexing and ranking. 

Make sure it knows when you update

These robots don’t just crawl your pages once; they do so  frequently. If your website doesn’t have constant and adequate “communication” with these robots, they won’t know when there’s something new on your pages.

Promote that it knows what each page is about

In order for robots to understand what your page is about, your content needs to be understood as structured data through semantic blocks that robots can understand. Remember, robots read code, not text.

Make it easier for them to understand each component on the page

Structured data enables robots to identify each component of your pages. As a result, your content will be categorized correctly and you’ll appear in the right place when your audience is seeking for your solutions. This will generate a qualified audience for your business.

Let the robot know that your pages are important

When the robots come to crawl your pages, they need to understand that you are relevant to Google. To do this, your website and its content must meet certain requirements. The robots will know this if the structure with which your website has been built is able to take them on a “tour” of all your pages, and these pages are all well structured.

Finally, how Google indexing works

Indexing techniques are essential for your website to appear in the first page ranking with the keywords relevant to your business. 

You must keep in mind that a good website, in the eyes of these robots, may be visually appealing, however, visual aesthetics along with content work, are not enough to appear in search engines or even gain enough authority to appear on the first page. 

The robot needs to identify what each page is about, to “crown” the strategy and content work, and also to identify the components of a page. There are technological challenges that need to be addressed to achieve this result.  

For a website to perform optimally, it must be well-indexed, i.e. with codes that assign appropriate importance to each element, as this is what the robot will read. 

In addition to these techniques, Visie can offer a number of advantages to help your site rank:

Plugins and layout tailored to your business, which don’t weigh you down and help with loading speed;

Optimized to fit any device (which Google loves);

Made to be accessed even offline

Designed to sell and generate results for your business;

Built it following  international security standards.

Besides numerous  other benefits that only a high-performance website made by Visie can offer.

So don’t wait any longer! Schedule a meeting below or talk to us now.